Caffè Haiti Roma, always sensitive towards social issues, has decided to support a project of child sponsorship in collaboration with Asia non-profit organization: child sponsorship has entered into force since January 2011 and will allow Sonam, this is the name of the fourteen-year-old girl sponsored by us, to attend High School in Nepal and to learn Tibetan.
According to one of her teachers, Sonam is a brilliant and smart girl, with many interests and well aware of the importance of education. In a moving letter that we have received, written in her own hand, we read about her activities and hobbies, her school and her Country.
At Caffè Haiti Roma we are well aware of the importance of a similar deed; we are sure that it represents a surplus value for a Company like ours, deeply committed in social issues and sensitive to them. In fact, it is not the first time that our Roasting Company has taken part to a non-profit project. For instance, last year together with Comunità di Sant’Egidio we decided to support a project for giving our contribution to the rebirth of Haiti, after the dreadful earthquake that has knocked the Country out.
Our Company addresses to all the people who share with us the commitment and the devotion for social issues, but also and above all to all the people who are going to do this in the future, being strictly convined that such deeds are necessary.